Emma Ganzarain redesigned her boyfriend’s Oslo apartment. They added herringbone floors, radiant heating, and taupe kitchen cabinets. After posting before and after photos on TikTok, she received over 8 million views and 55,000 negative comments. Some criticized her for ruining her boyfriend’s space, while others accused her of controlling him. The reaction may signify a shift in home décor from minimalist to cozier. Interior designer Emily Rayna believes the era of neutrals may be on its way out, and maximalism is gaining popularity. However, Ganzarain believes the negative reaction stemmed from sharing the photos before the redesign was complete. Despite the backlash, she enjoyed the conversations about design that followed. Ganzarain’s boyfriend later appeared in a video, expressing agreement with the changes, although some online comments humorously suggested that he needed to be “rescued.